Fashion items that will never go out of fashion
Fashion items that will never go out of fashion
The best way to describe Piero Fornasetti is as an extraordinary visionary, with a talent that could rival even the greatest artists of the Renaissance. He was a designer but he was also an artist. His interests in the world of art were extremely diversified.
As a designer and an artist
His interests in the world of art were extremely diversified. The array of objects for which he applied this style is astonishing. Just to mention a few, you can find the Fornasetti style on hats, coats,chairs, pianos, plates and even ocean liners. Their simple, modest appearance was transformed by the application of unexpected images.
A Vision of Milan
The dawn of our story rises on an ever changing, restless and hopelessly optimistic city. Behold Milan at the beginning of the twentieth century: a timeless promise of a brighter future, a locomotive launched full steam ahead towards better tomorrows. A mostly incongruous claque of artists, designers, revolutionaries daring to rewrite the rules of visual arts never bothering to ask anyone’s permission.